Positive action.
Melissa Jordan​
Melissa Jordan serves as Vice President and Business Banking Relationship Manager at M&T Bank, partnering with the downtown Rochester, Waring, and Tops Upper Falls branches to bring financial solutions to local organizations and businesses. She is passionate about helping women and minority-owned businesses in the Rochester community and is the co-founder and co-president of the M&T Bank Rochester Women’s Leadership Network (WLN) Resource Group and a member of the Rochester This Time Will Be Different Committee.
Outside of the bank, Melissa is Past President, Public Image & Fellowship Chair for the Greece Rotary Club. She is a member of the Greece Central School District Business Advisory Board and Rochester Women’s Network. Melissa received the 2016 Business Person of the Year award from the Greece Regional Chamber in recognition of her outstanding dedication to the Greece community and small businesses. She is also a Rotary Paul Harris Fellow.